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Places for Ambar Passions

  1. ScentStatic

  2. Angels Over Vauxhall

  3. Fractal Reflection

  4. Descent

  5. Ambar Pulse

  6. Nude Archangel

  7. 7 Code Encrypt

  8. Ascent

  9. Introject

  10. Anagrama

  11. Intrusion

Recorded and Mixed and  by: Le Vow at Le Vow Studios  2004 - 2006

Recorded, Mastered & Produced by: C Carafa 2008 - 2012

This album was brought up between Twickenham and Vauxhall (London, UK) 2003-2006


©2024 Le Vow Records. All rights reserved. Warning: Unauthorized reproduction of this recording is prohibited by law and subject to criminal prosecution.

All tracks Composed, Arranged, & Produced by: Le Vow® 


Bishop: Bass

Tivo: guitarras, teclados, sintetizadores

Gera: Voces

Rammer Drummer: bateria, djembe, shaker, Virtual drums

C: guitarras, teclados, sintetizadores, dou douk


Guests Musicians 

Marcelo Uribe: violin, charango.

Pablo Alanes: Dijeridu

Alberto: bateria en Angels over Vauxhall


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